One of the best option for your website to make money online is by placing banner advertisements. Allocating space for banner advertisements on your website can increase your monthly revenue greatly.

This option is better than being an affiliate for several companies because you will get your monthly fee no matter how many of your visitors go to the website or make a purchase. The main thing is for you to create an informative website filled with useful articles, so that you can generate a high amount of returning visitors.

And as your site rises on search engine rankings, the blank space on your site will begin to look more and more appealing to advertisers, prompting them to contact you and ask to place their banner ad on your site.

Although, anyone can be an affiliate, but to have a banner placed in a good spot on a high-ranking website will bring in the most revenue for a company.

And once you have established yourself as a site that can be profitable for them, you can rent out different spaces on your site for advertisers to place banner ads.

Moreover, by placing banner advertisement on your site, each month you will get paid the same fee, no matter if the said company making money or not, they will not making blame of you.